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Why we are renowned as a

A Top Enterprise App Development Company

Enterprise Mobility Expertise

Enterprise Mobility Expertise

In the ever-evolving era of digital transformation, IndiaNIC provides a comprehensive suite of enterprise mobility solutions a smartphone. You can develop a progressive enterprise mobile app to serve various objectives ranging from implementing BYOD policy, driving sales agility, increasing HR efficiency or improving overall business work lifecycle to customer engagement, with an experienced company like IndiaNIC.

Quality Delivered in Time

Quality Delivered in Time

We put stringent quality checks at every level of our enterprise mobile app development process. Especially during development, we deploy a dedicated QA team on each project that ensures bug-free, quality enterprise application development. Rest assured you can get tailor-made enterprise solutions with our reliable and flexible applications within a dedicated budget and deadline.

Practical Solutions

Practical Solutions

We offer the most scalable and secure enterprise apps for dealing with changes and challenges of business environments. Whether its internal-facing employee apps or customer-facing enterprise apps, our personalised services provide consultation and support based on your business needs. We also specialise in native and cross-platform development so you can get a highly scalable app that best fits your objective.

Highly Skilled Professionals

Highly Skilled Professionals

Our experienced developers offer custom enterprise mobility solutions to assist you in implementing mobility monitored concepts at your workplace with ease. As IndiaNIC places utmost importance in businesses first understanding the importance of enterprise mobility, our experts provide in-depth consultation and support in getting you the best enterprise mobile solution.

What we offer

Enterprise Mobility App Development Services

Cross-Platform Apps

Get a cross platform enterprise application that we develop as an enterprise app development company using tools like Sencha, Xamarin & PhoneGap for a wider reach.


Along with innovate UI get compelling and functional UX design that makes it extremely easy for your team to get acquainted with the software.

Multiple Industries

Apps for every business whether it’s location tracking, Mobile POS development, Retailer apps, Food ordering or order management apps.

Enterprise Web Development

Creating enterprise-level web applications like chat applications, omnichannel e-commerce, real-time tracking applications.

Mobile Device Management

Access and integrate your application on a number of operating systems as well as various enterprise infrastructures.

Security & Data

Get the utmost level of security for data protection so you can transfer your information securely and safely without compromising on information.

B2B application

Get top notch B2B enterprise solutions to increase business productivity and efficiency across business lifecycle.

M-Commerce Apps

Carry out business transactions on the go and manage your business in the growing world of mobility using our enterprise mobile application development services.

Support & Maintenance

Useful enterprise application consulting based on your personalised business requirements, wherever and whenever you want it.


Looking at a wider Spectrum

Mobile Application Development

Mobile Application Development

Developing iOS and Android apps for smartphones and tablets with great attention to design.

Custom Web Development

Custom Web Development

Developing responsive websites with complete content control and scalability.

Mobile Games Development

Mobile Games Development

Developing engaging 2D and 3D games on iOS and Android platforms that generate revenue.

Digital Marketing Services

Digital Marketing Services

Entire online marketing stack with focus on content, creative, social media and digital.

UI Design / Creative Services

UI Design / Creative Services

Designing stunning user interfaces and designs that gives unique identity and experience.

Cloud Infrastructure Management

Cloud Infrastructure Management

AWS certified cloud architects who can set up and manage entire cloud infrastructure.

Enterprise Solutions

Elevating enterprise experience by developing innovative and impactful solutions for web, mobile and internet with rich user experience.

Enterprise Solutions
  • Mobile Strategy
  • Enterprise Mobility
  • ERP System
  • Content Management
  • Technical Consulting
  • Mobile App Platforms

Startup Solutions

We help startups of all sizes, irrespective of their stages – to nurture, build and grow their amazing ideas on mobile and web.

Startup Solutions
  • Idea to Prototype
  • MVP Launch
  • Development Service
  • Create launch machine
  • Support and Maintenance
  • Equity Partnerships

Trusted By

Popular brands around the world


Words from clients

Nick Jag

Nick Jag

Kevin Giffhorn

Kevin Giffhorn

Kathleen O Martinez

Kathleen O Martinez

James Currie

James Currie

Daniel Lewis

Daniel Lewis

Ehi Binitie

Ehi Binitie

Alan Cohen

Alan Cohen

Ghedalia Gold Pastor

Ghedalia Gold Pastor

Greg Faust

Greg Faust

John Cleaves

John Cleaves

Carmelo Milian

Carmelo Milian

Alvin Harrison

Alvin Harrison

Ron Shai & Slava

Ron Shai & Slava

Dave Michael

Dave Michael

Fabian Leuthold

Fabian Leuthold

Schedule a Meeting with Our Experts

Share a brief about your project and get a guaranteed response within 24 hours.


How much does it cost to develop an enterprise mobile application?

Developing an enterprise mobile application is a complex process that involves various stages, including planning, design, development, testing, and deployment. The cost of each stage depends on several factors such as the features required, the complexity of the app, and the development platform chosen. For instance, developing a mobile app for iOS can be more expensive than for Android due to the differences in coding languages and development tools.

How can enterprise mobile applications benefit my business?

Enterprise mobile applications can benefit your business in many ways, including improved efficiency, increased productivity, enhanced customer engagement, better data management, and streamlined communication. They can also provide real-time insights, simplify workflow processes, and help businesses stay competitive in an increasingly mobile world. By leveraging the power of mobile technology, businesses can gain a competitive edge and improve their bottom line.

What is enterprise mobile app development?

Enterprise mobile app development is the process of creating mobile applications for businesses, organizations, and enterprises to streamline their operations and enhance their productivity. These applications are developed to meet specific business requirements and can be used by employees, customers, or partners.
