Our Perks

One Place to Go

One Place to Go

Store your all passwords in one secure place

Share Passwords

Share Passwords

Share them with anyone with view / edit access



100% secure with private key and local passphrase


Lockpad Support
Lockpad Support Ticket Edit
Invision Sharing

Simple yet Powerful Features

Access passwords whenever you need and share with whoever needs it.

Out of the box Security

  • Chrome and Firefox Extension
  • Server side Secret check
  • Passphrase based lock for each user
  • GnuPG based authentication
Work Process
Work Process

Manage each password with great ease

  • Instantly store new passowrds
  • Generate secure passwords on fly
  • Find that password out of the bunch in a click
  • Share password like GDoc©
  • Read / Write / Owner access to team members

Extension for Easy Storage & Access

  • Cloud-based extension for Chrome & Firefox
  • Browser plugin to save all online passwords
  • Encryption & decryption features to ensure security
  • Access easily on the web and mobile devices
Work Process
Work Process

Best fit for your Enterprise

  • Self Hosted Option available
  • White-label to your brand
  • Built with best-in-class tool chain
  • Developer friendly APIs


No. Lockpad is always implemented on in-premise network or on your dedicated servers. No information is transmitted to any third party software or servers.

Virtually unlimited. As long as you have space to accommodate them in your server, there’s no limit to users.

Contact us to let us know how Slate can be useful to you. We don’t have over the board pricing – it’s a small solution that we help you implement within your teams and can also optionally manage for maintenance.

Absolutely. Go ahead and reach out to us to schedule a demo.

Start using Slate for your Team

Hassle free Set up in 2 business days.

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Next Project

Digital Signature

